In line with MACE commitment to the community we work in and to the sustainability of the environment, MACE started in various site offices the implementation of recycling and energy and water saving, in details we have done the following:

1- Recycling of plastic and paper in Hamad international airport (HIA) project office.

2- Pan of single use plastic in all MACE offices in Qatar, head office and project offices, water dispensers are installed in all offices and glass cup are provided.

3- Reduction in unavoidable plastic waste in HIA project office, like cleaning stuff, where a bulk deliveries are implemented, and refill of smaller container for daily use.

4- Reduction in energy and water consumption, by installation of motion sensor for the office lights in HIA project office, encouraging staff to reduce their use of energy and water to the needed level, and switching the generator off over the night and week end.

5- Recycling of paper in ACS school project and oasis project site offices.   

6- Participation in beach clean-up, and encouraging MACE team to participate in volunteers activities, so far our staff participated in 5 beach clean-up, and one tree planting.

7- Raising the awareness about the sustainability and the environmental issues, by offering presentations, sharing knowledge and articles, a presentation about single use plastic and plastic pollution crises was offered to more than 25 member of HIA project team.


This is a brief about our initiative so far, and we have a plan to create more initiative, to deal with the waste production on construction sites and find out more green solutions for the power consumption on construction sites as well.

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Contact Name
Rami Kazma
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End Date
25.2726881, 51.5452025
Sustainability initiatives.
Organization Name
Management and Consultancy Excellence (Qatar) Limited, part of the Mace Group.
Start Date
Jaidah Square, Al Matar St, Doha, Qatar