Nearly zero-energy buildings have very high energyperformance and are introducing renewable energy sources. In order to achieve anear zero energy building (near-ZEB), the challenges have to be understood fromthe concept design. This means, in order to achieve a holistic developmentoutcome, the designers and project management has to understand the stages tobe followed in order for all the design elements be optimized.

 This Evening Lecture will cover the principles by:

  • Providing a starting point for a near-ZEB definition;

  • Outlining the main challenges and potential solutions;

  • Presenting a possible set of design and project management principles to be followed;

  • Applying such principles on the design development of buildings and assessing related effects;

  • Presenting related financial and research developments; and

  • Summing up with the necessary further steps to be followed towards a successful implementation of near-ZEBs.

Note: The Evening Lecture has limited seats. Please confirmavailability of seats prior to attendance. Seats can be reserved by email.

Contact Email
Contact Name
Dr Ioannis Spanos
Contact Phone
+974 4462 6400 x2015
End Date
51.551119, 25.269005
Evening Lecture: "Near-Zero Energy Buildings" - Management of Design and Construction
Organization Name
KEO International Consultants
Start Date
KEO International Consultants, Al Mana Intersection, C Ring Rd, Doha, Qatar (Next to the Old Airport)