Dolphin Energy Qatar launched its full-scale office waste recycling program in 2009. The company installed collection points for the recycling program at the following locations: Dolphin Energy’s plant at Ras Laffan Industrial City and Al Khor offices and housing. Dolphin Energy recycling program includes collecting and recycling cardboard, paper, cans, plastic, E-waste, and batteries. The company uses different colored bins to collect its recyclable items. Blue square shaped bins (60L) have been designed for paper, which are placed next to each printer, while the yellow and green cylindrical shaped bins (32 L) used for collecting cans and plastics and are placed next to each pantry. 

In addition, the desk-side blue bins have been placed to encourage all employees to participate in paper recycling. All bins contain a matching color-coded bag made of biodegradable plastic in line with government regulations, which prohibit the use of black plastic bags. The recycling bins are emptied on a daily basis, and the waste is stored in common recycling areas. The office waste is then collected by a local contractor where it is squashed in bales and exported for recycling. To make the launch of the program, an email announcement was sent to all employees. Fliers on the topic with instructions on which materials can be/can’t be recycled were also distributed in offices and placed near printers and pantries. To maintain commitment, a refresher session is provided to all support staff on an annual basis. This helps maintain their awareness and ensures proper waste segregation. In addition, reminders and alerts are sent to employees about the recycling program. Since launch, the program has proved to be very successful and contributed positively to our sustainability journey. A total of 873 Tons has been recycled thanks to the efforts of all involved. Where improvements can be made, they are done so.  Dolphin Energy’s recycling commitments are helping to:

·    Conserve natural resources

·    Save energy

·    Reduce gas emissions

·    Divert materials from disposal

·    Enhance corporate reputation

·    Save money and space

Contact Email
Contact Name
Deena AL-Abdulla
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End Date
25.2854473, 51.5310398
Dolphin Energy Office Waste Recycling Program
Organization Name
Dolphin Energy
Start Date
Doha, Doha, Qatar